Wild imperial caviar is considered the connoisseurs caviar.
The name imperial is due to the historical fact that these fine jewels of the sea were specifically selected for the Imperial Persian king. This caviar is produced by the rarest of the wild Asetra sturgeon. Imperial caviar is known for its gorgeous nutty flavour, big size ‘berries’, firm texture and golden colour. Like all other Iranian Caviars the pristine environment and cool waters of the South Caspian Sea make this Iranian caviar without equal.
Available in 30g and 50g tins. Other tin sizes available on request.

Caviar has been considered a luxury since the time of Aristotle and is known for it's subtle, buttery flavour . The finest caviar should taste neither fishy, nor overly salty and should always be served cold.
Caviar is unfertilised sturgeon eggs. Only the eggs from three types of Sturgeon; being Beluga, Osetra and Sevruga, can be called Caviar. Classic caviar originates primarily from Iran or Russia, harvested by commercial fishermen working in the Caspian Sea. Today however, farming caviar has become very popular. This is due to regulations in trade, environmental concerns, prices and the increasing quality of farmed caviar.
- Beluga is the largest Sturgeon and is the rarest of the Sturgeon fish, therefore producing the world's most expensive Caviar. The‘berries’ (proper name for caviar roe) are delicate in texture and are light or dark gray with largish roe. They provide a rich, creamy and mildly sweet flavor of delicate hazelnut.
- Osetra is golden or dark brown, however it can range to green-grey to dark blue or jet black, and also with large berries, occasionally these are light gold and provides a strong nutty flavor with a mild taste and is slightly firmer than the Beluga.
- Sevruga are the smallest and most abundant of the three sturgeons, this Caviar has the strongest flavour. The berries are dark gray or black in color and provide a strong taste of a mildly fruity flavor.
Storage: Caviar must be stored in the coolest section of your refrigerator, preferably on ice packs. Never freeze Caviar as this ruins the aroma and flavour. Store opened Caviar with a peice of plastic wrap over the berries before placing the lid on the tin. Once opened, Caviar will last 2-3 days.
Serving: There are etiquette rules attached when eating and serving caviar. Caviar should never be served with metal utensils – the sensitive berries can develop a very off-putting metallic taste. Caviar spoons made from bone, mother of pearl or tortoise shell are traditionally used to enjoy caviar. Many caviar purists however insist that the very best way to enjoy caviar is to place the ‘berries’ on your hand (the back of the hand, between the index finger and thumb) and eating it plain from there. Note this method can be frowned upon when at a formal occasion.
When you come to choosing caviar for yourself, one is never better or worse than the other. Each variety of caviar has its own distinct flavour, size and texture. Waimea Trading has the largest selection of caviar in Australia. To learn more about each type of caviar just scroll through the below varieties.
Please note that all caviar is subject to availability, prices attract GST and caviar has a 90 day shelf life from day of arrival in Australia.
Wild Iranian Imperial Asetra
Wild Iranian Asetra
The cherished Iranian Asetra (Acipenser persicus) has a strong and nutty flavour, medium sized ‘berries’ that are light to dark brown in colour, this Asetra caviar is produced by Iranian Asetra sturgeon whose habitat is south of the Caspian Sea. This caviar is highly prized and sought after by gourmets around the world for its delicate taste and aroma.
Available in 30g and 50g tins. Other tin sizes available on request.
Wild Iranian Sevruga
The Sevruga sturgeon produces the smallest ‘berries’ of caviar within the Caspian Sea. Sevruga caviar is prized for its sweet and fine flavour. The colour of Sevruga Caviar is usually light to dark grey. This Caviar is appreciated for its warm, aromatic and savoury nutty flavour.
Available in 30g and 50g tins. Other tin sizes available on request.
Wild Caspian Imperial Ascetra
Classic caviar originates in the Caspian Sea; some say the caviar that comes from the Caspian Sea is the best in the world. The Caspian Sea is a large saltwater lake between Russia and Iran, the sea bed descends to several hundred meters offering the bottom-dwelling sturgeon vast areas of rich nutrition, as well as the sandy bottom and steady current the species prefer. The Imperial Asetra caviar is the firmest of the Asetra and is comparable to the quality of Beluga. It is intensely nutty (hazelnut), and has a silkier, melts-in-your-mouth texture. The eggs can be golden yellow to brownish in colour and are of medium size (about 3mm diameter).
Available in 30g and 50g tins. Other tin sizes available on request.
Wild Caspian Ascetra
Asetra caviar does not produce as firm a ‘berry’ as the Imperial Asetra; this is due to the maturity of the sturgeon as the Asetra is slightly younger than the Imperial Asetra. However, this is not to say the taste is any less exquisite. The Asetra caviar boasts a smooth nutty flavour and the ‘berries’ have a gentle pop, this delicate flavour pairs well with Champagne, Grüner Veltliner and Riesling.
Available in 30g and 50g tins. Other tin sizes available on request.
Wild Caspian Sevruga
Sevruga is the youngest of the sturgeon and therefore produces a more rich and full-bodied caviar. Sevruga caviar are the smallest and most firm of the ‘berries’, they are deep black in colour and have a very smooth and lively taste.
Available in 30g and 50g tins
Per Se
Per Sé caviar has been designed using traditional Iranian methods. Without a doubt it is Caviar de Riofrio's most complex product, full of character for expert palates looking for each and every sensation of genuine Iranian caviar. These eggs offer a delicate texture in your mouth with very long flavours of walnut and cream. Per Sé is excellent caviar that lets you experience the original world of Iranian caviar
Origin: Andalucía, Spain
Colour: Variable from grey to black and brown
Tin: 10, 30, 50, 100, 200, 500 gr. 1kg. and 1.8kg
Video & information on the Caviar de Riofrio farm in Spain
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Payusnaya is a product for real caviar connoisseurs and a delicacy for Russian experts. It requires approximately 2 kilos of caviar in order to obtain 1 kilo of Payusnaya with all the deepest essence of caviar flavours. It offers intense flavours and textures that slowly melt in your mouth. Payusnaya can be prepared in small blocks to be sliced, a delicate paste, or as the base of a sauce or supplement.
Origin: Andalucía, Spain
Colour: Black
Tin: 30, 50, 100, 200, 500 gr. 1kg. and 1.8kg.
Video & information on the Caviar de Riofrio farm in Spain
Photo Gallery
Calvisius was the Latin name for Calvisano, a village in the province of Brescia in Italy.
Calvisius White Sturgeon caviar is smooth and slightly nutty, with a firm texture. This delicious and creamy-tasting caviar with an intense aroma and an unmistakable flavor,. This exquisite caviar is large sized. Caviar experts will particularly love the translucent colour of the eggs, which can vary from warm brown to charcoal-gray or jet black.
Thanks to its structure, unique in its kind, Agroittica produces caviar during a period of time that goes from October to April allowing the extraction and packing of these precious eggs practically when ordered.
Tin: 28g, 50g, 125g, 250g
Farmed Beluga
Our farmed Chinese caviar comes from a fresh water reservoir, approximately 50,000 hectares in size primarily used as a source of drinking water. Beluga caviar is the most prestigious of the caviars’. This is because Beluga is the largest species of sturgeon; they grow up to 30 feet long and weigh up to 3,300pounds. The female Beluga does not mature to produce roe for 18 to 20 years, although they can live for 100 years. The Beluga’s scarcity makes it a very rare and exquisite treat. The ‘berries’ of the Beluga are the most fragile of the caviar grades, and the largest (3mm to 4mm diameter), they are soft in texture, heavy and ripe, and range from pale silver to pearl grey to black in colour. The taste is soft, buttery and delicate. Our caviar is also preserved in first grade salt from Russia making the taste mild yet mouth watering.
Available in 30g, 50g and 125g tins
Farmed Albino Beluga
Waimea Trading are the first to import this rare Albino Beluga caviar into Australia.
This is the rarest and most cherished of all sturgeons, as an Albino sturgeon only comes along once in a blue moon. The taste and texture of Albino Beluga caviar is exactly the same as Beluga caviar; the ‘berries’ are large with a soft texture that are heavy and ripe and the taste is soft, buttery and delicate. The only difference between Beluga and Albino Beluga caviar is the colour of the ‘berries’; they are light beige to off-white to pearlescent in colour.
Available in 30g, 50g, 125g, and 250g tins.There is a limited supply of Albino Beluga caviar.
Farmed Imperial Oscietra
Our farmed Imperial Oscietra caviar is incomparable to the wild caught Imperial Asetra. Both of these caviars are of exquisite texture and flavours. The Imperial Oscietra is the firmest ‘berry’ of the Oscietra caviar and has a quality very close to the Beluga caviar. The only real difference between farmed Imperial Oscietra and Wild Imperial Asetra is that the farmed sturgeon is raised in an environmentally friendly aqua farm, this ensures that the sturgeon is looked after and healthy before harvesting without affecting the worlds natural reserves of sturgeon.
Available in 30g, 50g, 125g and 250g tins
Farmed Superior Oscietra
The Superior Oscietra caviar has most of the same unique qualities that Imperial Oscietra has. The ‘berries’ have a light nutty flavour, which is creamy and buttery, but Superior Oscietra also boasts a unique delicate fruity taste. Farmed Superior Oscietra is also a slightly younger sturgeon than the Imperial and the caviar ‘berry’ is also slightly softer and creamier in texture. Many caviar connoisseurs’ prefer the nutty and delicate fruity flavour of the Superior Oscietra to that of the Beluga caviar.
Available in 30g, 50g, 125g and 250g tins.
Farmed Oscietra
Farmed Oscietra is the youngest of the Oscietra sturgeon and produces the softest ‘berries’. The caviar ‘berries’ range from warm brown to greenish grey in colour, they have the same exclusive light nutty and delicate fruity flavour of the Superior Oscietra. However, due to the softness of the ‘berries’ the texture is distinctively creamier than any other Oscietra caviar.
Available in 30g, 50g, 125g and 250g tins.
Mottra: Sustainable Caviar
MOTTRA’s caviar comes from Sterlet, Acipenser Ruthenus (delicious tsars’ and shahs’ caviar: unduly forgotten but ranking all the other caviars apart from beluga) and is done according to the classical method of preparation.
MOTTRA's caviar is grain-to-grain (not mushy) and malossol (meaning ‘slightly salted’ in Russian language from where the word came from)
Colour: Black
Tin: 28g, 56g, 90g
Video & information on Mottra's Caviar farm in Latvia
Photo Gallery
Mottra: Sustainable Caviar
MOTTRA Caviar is the world's first sustainable caviar.
This MOTTRA Caviar comes from Osetra, Acipenser Baerii (well-known gourmet caviar). In Latvia, where Mottra's Caviar farm is located, their technique of extracting the roe without killing the sturgeon is a world first. The Caviar is gently 'milked' or massaged out of the sturgeon, before returning the fish back to the water.
Colour: Black
Tin: 28g, 56g, 90g
Video & information on Mottra's Caviar farm in Latvia
Photo Gallery